From a single house to two fourplexes with laneway suites: A plan to bolster the ‘missing middle’ in east-end Toronto

A new project from me that I’m really excited about was written about in the Toronto Star. This new project, if approved by the Committee of Adjustment, will see a single detached house converted into 10 residential units. And it will require zero minor variances. To achieve this, only a consent application to split the lot (which is wider than usual for the area). The resulting 2 lots will each have a 4-plex semi and a laneway suite on each.

The original idea was to split the lot into 3 townhouse units with laneway suites. However, this would have triggered site plan control, so we proposed a different configuration. The cost of site plan control would have killed the project.

I’m optimistic that the Committee will approve the consent and this excellent example of Missing Middle housing will go forward.